New Faces at HSFM

Lots going on at the shop. We have two new barbers, we are planning a child and infant CPR class for our clients, after all, most are grandparents and we all know grandparents are the worlds best baby sitters, so we wanna make sure they know how to keep their family safe. Still working on having a concealed weapons class for those who may be interested. Additionally, on August 20th, we have been in business one year. So as to thank ALL our clients, we will be having a party sometime in early Feb. we are having live music, free food, cold beverages, cigars, raffle prizes and much more.

Stay tuned and stay well groomed


At The Hair Shop For Men, we know a gentleman values tradition.  A man’s word, a firm handshake and old school grooming.  Experience  a classic tradition in the art of straight razor shaving.  We use 7 hot towels and the finest grooming products to give you the closest shave you have ever experienced.  Unlike others, this service takes about an hour and comes with a complimentary beverage of your choice, everything from water to the finest single malt.

There are lots of good places to get a shave.  But when your ready to raise the bar, we’ll take it from there.

“Grooming For Today’s Gentleman”